

It may look like the shop is always fully staffed when you call in but your eyes might deceive you. We are always looking for new volunteers, whether its just one morning or afternoon a week to a few of either, you are more than welcome to join us.

All we ask is that you can commit yourself to at least one shift a week. Each shift consists of just 4 hours, mornings from 09:30 through to 13:30 or afternoons from 13:30 through to close of trading at 17:30, Monday to Saturday. We also run one shift on Sundays, that is from 11:00 through to 15:00.

You will hopefully have more than a passing interest in books, music or both. You will need to be friendly, outgoing (if you're not you soon will be if you decide you want to join us) but above all, you must be able to make a decent cup of coffee or tea! We drink a fair bit of both but of course it won't always be your turn to make it.

Do you think you're up to the task?

Come into the shop any time during opening hours or download the Volunteer Application Form and bring it to the shop. The shop manager or other staff members will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to welcoming you into our merry band very soon.